SDG "Decent Work & Economic Growth"

The Wiesbaden answer in Hessisch: “Feddisch! Mosche is aach noch en Daach”

What is this about and what does the SDG "Decent Work and Economic Growth“ mean for the event industry? 

SDG 8 purports that sustainable and inclusive economic growth, productive full employment and humane work shall be promoted for all persons. ( (opens in a new tab))

The event industry is a major contributor to economic growth in Germany, as it is the sixth largest economic sector. Some 1.5 million people are employed in the sector with direct sales of almost 130 billion euros. The key source of these high employment figures is the complexity and networking in the event industry which relies on a wide range of economic sectors and competencies to plan and execute events successfully. (source: Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Veranstaltungsbranche, R.I.F.E.L. E.V., 15.06.2020 (opens in a new tab) - German)

The entire event industry, as is the case for the hospitality and tourism sector, is currently confronted with  considerable staff shortages. Fair working conditions, fair pay, equal rights and promotion of the local economy are essential not just to counter this but also to contribute to SDG 8 in particular. Sustainable practices such as environmental protection, education and social responsibility are equally important to making a positive contribution to the event industry. Transparency and cooperation foster knowledge exchange and continuous improvement in the industry. ( (opens in a new tab))

With which immediate measures can event professionals start contributing to SDG 8?

  • Examine supply chains: child labour, repression and exploitation can be prevented by examining supply chains for sustainability, working conditions, labour rights, fair pay and more. Fair Trade and other organisations and labels can provide orientation and ensure that a sustainable economy is supported in the countries of the Global South.
  • Inclusive employment: event professionals can cooperate with local charitable organisations to create work opportunities for disadvantaged segments of the population during the event be it through temporary work or practical experience.
  • Promote social responsibility: for example, through non-profit projects or through donations  from event takings.
  • Diversity and equal rights: for example, through the participation of diverse groups in panel talks, with varied backgrounds, involving different genders to promote gender equality and diversity.
  • Promote the local economy: local companies can be prioritised when choosing service providers and suppliers to support the regional economy.

(source: tw)

How do we implement this?

✓ Conscious selection of partners, service providers and suppliers:

  • WICM GmbH usually awards contracts for services and products, depending on the order volume, per tender. In this context, criteria are applied that regulate the fair procurement of raw materials, deployment of staff etc. among other things. Our service providers (order value over 10,000 euros) are subject to the Hessischen Vergabe- und Tariftreuegesetz (opens in a new tab)(Hessian act on tendering and pay commitments).  This regulates “social, ecological and innovative requirements” as well as sustainability aspects among other things.

✓ Safeguarding against corruption:

  • We require binding commitments from tenderers when awarding contracts for services and supplies
  • The municipal directives on receiving gifts are mandatory for our employees

✓ Participation in initiatives and networks that include many fair and sustainable aspects in the procurement chain:

✓ Procurement of work clothing:

  • We pay attention to fair production and fair materials when procuring work clothing. Some of our work clothing is certified with the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). The GOTS, which applies to the entire supply chain of products from biologically produced raw materials, defines the requirements for both the environmental and working conditions in the production of textiles and clothing. (source: (opens in a new tab))

✓ Purchasing local or regional products and services:

  • We work predominantly with local or regional companies in the area of printed matter, creative services such as trade fair construction, furniture logistics or merchandise products (among other things) to promote the local economy as a public sector company.
  • Merchandise articles: we sell almost exclusively locally or regionally produced goods in our Tourist Information. We organise monthly events in the Wiesbaden Tourist Information, to which local companies are invited to present and sell their products.
  • Our partners, for example from event technology and catering are from Wiesbaden or Mainz. 

✓ Protecting our employees: 

  • We have installed an Equal Opportunities Officer (15 years ago), an Inclusion Officer and a works council in the company to ensure that the rights of the employees are protected at all times and everyone can get support in the relevant areas.
  • We have signed up to the service agreement on working hours of the City of Wiesbaden (regulation of flexitime, overtime compensation, special leave among other things).
  • Installation of a digital tool (Delegatis) for the instruction of occupational safety regulations and safety regulations.

✓ Increasing employee satisfaction through appreciative measures for work-life balance:

  • Home office
  • Part-time work
  • Flexible working hours/flexitime
  • Special leave for Christmas Eve/New Year’s Eve/exams (trainees/students)
  • Educational leave
  • Annual Christmas party
  • Annual summer festival
  • Free drinks (water/coffee/tea)
  • Medical checkups and participation in the health programme of the City of Wiesbaden

✓ Further education opportunities for employees:

  • To maintain competitiveness
  • To advance our employees

✓ Fair pay and equal treatment:

  • We have signed up to the public service collective pay agreement (Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes - TVöD) and the trainee public service collective pay agreement (Tarifvertrag für Auszubildende des öffentlichen Dienstes - TVAöD).

✓ Award as a family-friendly employer:

  • Promotion of part-time work models: approx. 50% of the employees in management positions work part-time
  • Up to 50% home office possible

✓ Inclusion: 

  • In cases where job applicants are of equal merit, priority is given to the severely disabled. This is clearly communicated in all job ads.

✓ Promoting and supporting social projects:

  • Aktionswoche Wiesbaden engagiert (Wiesbaden active campaign week: organisation of the annual summer festival of the pastoral work for the disabled.
  • 25-Stunden-Lauf der WISPO – Wiesbadener Sportförderung e.V. (25-hour marathon of the Wiesbaden sports promotion organisation): a company running team takes part. The entry fees and lap money are used to promote competitive sports in the state capital of Wiesbaden.
  • Sustainable projects: participation in the Earth Hour, the nationwide City Cycling project and the Hessian Sustainability Day to support sustainable goals.

✓ Cooperations with social institutions:

  • For example, a tour of the Domäne Mechthildshausen (organic, biological agriculture and inclusion)

✓ Cooperations with regional institutions:

  • Combination of local gastronomy and guided city tours.
  • Discounted/free admission to the Museum Wiesbaden for WICM convention participants with the Museum-Congress-Ticket.

Further information