SDG "Partnerships for the Goals"

In Hessisch: “Zamme hoalde, doann klappt´s aa”

What is it about and what does the SDG "Partnerships for the Goals" mean for the events industry? 

The 17th SDG is the basic condition for achieving all other SDGs. Goals can only be achieved through strong cooperation and partnerships and in collaboration. An identical or compatible understanding of principles, values and visions is essential for achieving goals. Transparency and the inclusion of stakeholders likewise.

For the event industry, SDG 17 means that all stakeholders involved directly or indirectly in holding an event have to contribute to achieving the goals for sustainable development. (source (opens in a new tab))

How do we implement this?

✓ Inclusion of all stakeholders:

  • As a company, we involve all our employees and partners in the continuous development process of sustainability. We raise awareness and motivate ourselves as a team as well as each individual employee to conduct sustainable business and to become actively involved in doing so.

✓ Living common values:

  • With our sustainability strategy, we commit to regularly monitoring and continuously optimising our business processes from the ecological, social and economic perspective. We emphasise a change in thinking and acting, and we openly communicate the company (environmental) strategies and goals to all employees and partners on a regular basis.
  • In the area of social sustainability, we take part in different events over the course of the year – together as a team. For example, in the campaign week "Wiesbaden engagiert!" (opens in a new tab) or in a sponsored run for charity (Spendenlauf (opens in a new tab)).
  • The joint commitment and cooperation in a sustainable task reinforce team spirit and create a better understanding for the community and social issues of our society.

✓ Building long-term, strategic partnerships:

  • We developed our Tourism Strategy 2026+ using a participative approach with many stakeholders from the local and regional tourism sector. We established common values and made them accessible for everyone. The goal is that all stakeholders have a common understanding of our values.
  • In our Wiesbaden partner network (Wiesbaden Partnernetzwerk (opens in a new tab)) we are implementing projects and sustainable measures together with stakeholders from different areas.
  • We are collaborating as partners with colleagues from the neighbouring Rheingau in the WIESBADEN RHEINGAU destination campaign and implementing a wide range of measures. We are creating (sustainable) synergies in this way.
  • We have been working together with local or regional companies in numerous service sectors for many years. In this way, we have built up long-sanding partnerships and trusting relations.
  • Our partners, for example in event technology and catering, are from Wiesbaden or Mainz. We work with fixed partners or preferred partners.

✓ Involving and informing our service providers:

  • We inform and motivate our service providers to join us on the way to a more sustainable future. We have reviewed the conditions in our guidelines for invitations to tender to ensure that the fair procurement of raw materials and deployment of staff etc. are safeguarded.
  • Our service providers (order value over 10,000 euros) are subject to the Hessian act on tendering and pay commitments (Hessische Vergabe- und Tariftreuegesetz (HVTG)). This regulates “social, ecological and innovative requirements” as well as sustainability aspects among other things.

✓ Participation in initiatives and networks:

✓ Promoting and supporting social and sustainable projects: 

  • “Wiesbaden engagiert” (Wiesbaden active campaign week): organisation of the annual summer festival of the pastoral work for the disabled
  • 25-hour marathon of the Wiesbaden sports promotion organisation (WISPO – Wiesbadener Sportförderung e.V.): a company running team takes part. The entry fees and lap money are used to promote competitive sport in the state capital of Wiesbaden
  • WICM GmbH is a member of the “Freunde des Museums Wiesbaden” society (Friends of the Museum Wiesbaden). The cultural education of children and adolescents among other things is promoted here.
  • Participation in the Earth Hour
  • Participation in the nationwide City Cycling project
  • Hessian Sustainability Day

✓ Cooperation with social institutions:

  • For example, a tour of the Domäne Mechthildshausen (organic, biological agriculture and inclusion)
  • Combination of local gastronomy and guided city tours
  • Discounted/free admission to the Museum Wiesbaden for WICM convention participants with the Museum-Congress-Ticket (since 2022)

Further information